*Diamond_vampire is brandishing a clipboard*
Diamond_Vampire: I have a clipboard!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Random shout out of the day!
Do not attempt to eat a moving vehicle, for it tis both painful, and dangerous.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Fire is in luv with Dnangel. Don't believe me? Read the post.

I luv it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Well.......okay then...
Anyway, I dunno what I can post to follow that up... ummm... asparagus!
Anyway, I dunno what I can post to follow that up... ummm... asparagus!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
my eyes through Inardesco....
For those of you who do not know, Inardesco is the voice in my head that allows me to see in incredible detail. so with Inardesco, i can pick out those little thing most people cannot see. But anyway,why im typing this post in the first place. Something isnt right. Cant anyone feel it? i dont know what it is, but its freaking me out. i want to know why we are here. how we got here. what are we?!? most people--AKA normal people-- would say that we are humans. They would give a whole speach on what we are. what we are made of, and give this whole theory on human life. but theat would never explain what we are. they say we are humans. pathetic, desperate humans. why do we exist? yes i know that that is the over-all major questions, but its beyond that. whats going on? cant anyone sense it? that tinge in the air? its like i feel like im being warned, like something bad is going to happen, but i dont know what it is. and im wondering why doesnt anyone else notice it? its like, unless i tell someone about it, they dont notice the slightest change in their reality. just look around....the humans expect everything to be done for them, they force us into doing things that we dont wish to do ourselves. they teach us in school that slavery is wrong, yet look at the students! were fored to go to school whether we want to or not, and yet dont let anyone goof off, or do whatever the heck we want! why cant we do any of these things? why cant we choose what we want to be? why do some get to fly, or run, while we must stay and watch through tears as they go by...why must i be called a freak just because i believe in some things that others dont? why am i a freak just because im different? why must the others that think the same as i stay on the ground with broken wings?
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